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Director: Colby Wyckoff

Off Season: 860-231-6376

Camp Shalom Main Number: 860-688-2267

Location: Windsor, CT

Thank You to Our Donors!

Camp Shalom thanks the following Foundations for their support. It is through the generosity of these Foundations that the Mandell JCC is able to provide quality programs and services to the community every year.


Foundations and Organizations:


Jewish Children’s Service Organization


Jewish Community Foundation
of Greater 

“Through donor and endowment funds, the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Hartford is proud to support the Mandell Jewish Community Center. Together, we envision a thriving and vibrant Greater Hartford Jewish community now and in the future.”


Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford

“Programs provided by the Mandell JCC are funded, in part, by dollars raised through the Jewish Federation’s annual campaign. We are proud to be Mandell JCC’s partner in providing services to enhance the education, heritage and social commitment in our local and global Jewish community.”



Mandell JCC of Greater Hartford

Connecticut Camping Association

JCC Association

Jewish Day Camp Network


Camp Shalom is funded in part by the Jewish Federation’s annual campaign.

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Through donor and endowment funds, the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Hartford is proud to support the

Mandell Jewish Community Center. Together, we envision a thriving and vibrant Greater Hartford Jewish community now and in the future.

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©2023 Camp Shalom | Windsor, CT | Off Season: 860-231-6376 | Summer: 860-688-2267

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